라벨이 20162017인 게시물 표시

Summer Vacation In My YangYang Shelter in July 2017 - (1) Camping, Water play, and eating Dokdo shrimp with Relatives in law at Jigyeongri Beach from 20 to 23 July

Summer Vacation In My YangYang Shelter in July 2017 - (1) Camping, Water play, and eating Dokdo shrimp with Relatives in law at Jigyeongri Beach from 20 to 23 July July 20-23, 2017, Yangyang Jigyeongri/Wonpori Beach (ジギョンリ 海水浴場), Dokdo shrimp (Dohwa shrimp, 独島エビ, 胴体は刺身で、頭は揚げた), buckwheat noodles(동해막국수 수육). I took a bus from the Southern Terminal in Seochogu near my home to Jumunjin, but instead of going directly to Jumunjin, the bus went through three other places: Jinbu, Heongge, and Pyeongchang(평창, 진부 등).  It's better to take a bus from the express bus terminal to Yangyang or Gangneung if you want to go directly there. Whenever I go to my shelter in YangYang, I almost always stop by Donghae buckwheat noodles 동해막국수 (located behind Jigyeongri Beach).  The original appearance of the 'Donghae buckwheat noodle eatery' is as shown below, but in the winter of 2017, the building was demolished and a new building was built for business. In the summer, they mainly serve buckwheat n

Stayed in Jeju island with My parents for 3 weeks from Sep 25 to Oct 15, 2017 (3) - My parent arrived in Jeju, and We had a good time. My parents looked very happy.

Stayed in Jeju island with My parents for 3 weeks from Sep 25 to Oct 15, 2017 (3) - My parent arrived in Jeju, and We had a good time. My parents looked very happy.  2017년 9월 26일 ~ 10월 15일 제주도 3주 체류기(3) - 부모님도 제주도에 도착, 한림항 근처 한라 축산물도매센터(정육식당)에서 저녁식사,  제주 한림 민속 5일장(추석맞이 한림 조끄뜨레 시장) My parent arrived in Jeju by airplane from Gimpo airport. We have beef and fork that from Jeju as a dinner. 저녁은 제주도 한림항 근처 정육식당(한라 축산물도매센터)에서 제주산 소고기와 흑돼지로. 이 곳은 전에 애월에 며칠 묵을때 한번 왔던 정육식당이다. 상차림비가 3천원, 그때도 나름 괜찮았는데. 이번에도 젊은 사장이 참 호탕했다 On this day, the employee's mistake caused a slight burn on her mother's hand (though not a significant burn). It's over the hospital bill. At first, I was displeased with Owner's response, so I was angry, but later, the young owner refused to get money for the table setting, alcohol, and beverages. It's over the hospital bill.  이날 종업원의 실수가 있어서 어머니의 손에 약간 화상을 입었는데(큰 화상은 아니지만), 처음에는 영 대응이 못마땅해서 화도 내고 했는데, 나중에 젊은 사장이 상차림비와 술값, 음료수값을 받지 않았다. 병원비와 퉁친것이다.  멜젓과