Cherry blossom at Gyeongpo and YangYang April 2020 / 鏡浦台(キョンポデ)と襄陽 桜の花見

Cherry blossom at Gyeongpo and YangYang  April 2020 / 鏡浦台(キョンポデ)と襄陽 桜花見

Cherry blossom at Gyeongpo lake and The Namdaecheon Road of YangYang on April 4th ~5th in 2020

4月初旬 鏡浦台(キョンポデ)と襄陽南大川の道 桜の花見 경포대 벚꽃길(강릉)과 남대천 벚꽃길(양양), 2020년 4월 초 사쿠라하나미 Let me show you the cherry blossoms in 경포대 and 양양남대천 Take a look and Enjoy spring. the background music of this Vlog is 'Hana'(花) by ''orange range'. この曲は最近よく聞く歌の一つだ。

1) 강릉 경포대 벚꽃길

주문진성당 in 주문진

BTS 앨범촬영지 at 청시행해수욕장 in 주문진

BTS 'You never walk alone' shooting site, Jumunjin Beach

注文津ビーチに 'YOU NEVER WALK ALONE' 撮影地 防弾少年団のバス停が登場

벚꽃길 around 경포대

You can see the Skybay Hotel over the lake.

2) 남대천 벚꽃길(양양)

기사문항 is the most famous surfing spot in 양양

Sometimes people who are surfing look like fur seals because they mostly wear black wetsuits to surf. 

I have also two surfing boards in my shelter.

남대천 벚꽃길 in 양양

It's me wearing a mask

As you walk along this way, You meet a beautiful beach, which is called '낙산해수욕장'.

Finally, I reached the Naksan beach by walk. 


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Jeju Tour for 2 weeks with my wife's parents(Father in law, Mather in law) From June 22 To July 3, 2020 (1) - To Jeju by a car ferry at Wando and SeobjiKoji